
The Lakes of Pontchartrain - Paul Brady

Yemen - Battle for Taiz

George Bush Sr book reveals a more dangerous Dick Cheney than anyone knew

George Bush Sr book reveals a more dangerous Dick Cheney than anyone knew | US news | The Guardian

Cheney and Rumsfeld used their enhanced power to poison the flow of information to the president’s desk about Iraq and its supposed weapons of mass destruction. The vice-president even made repeated trips to CIA headquarters in Langley to bully analysts into producing more hawkish reports, while Rumsfeld’s Pentagon sucked up highly dubious “evidence” from Iraqi exiles and ideological freelancers. But, as even as the ever-forgiving father admits in Meacham’s book, it was President Bush who allowed Cheney to grow his own empire.

Detail From 'Vase With Chinese Asters' - V.Van Gogh

Devo Live

Devo - Hardcore Devo Live! from MVD Entertainment Group on Vimeo.

Euskadi Te Askatasuna


Ritratto Della Baronessa Julia Von Benedek (1832) - Friedrich Von Amerling

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ISIS Bomb Crashed Russian Plane?

Más de 1.000 niños murieron en Yemen

El número mayor de las víctimas se registró en la provincia de Saada y en la capital Saná.
Un día antes, Rupert Colville, portavoz del Alto Comisionado de la ONU para los Derechos Humanos, informó que en siete meses de conflicto armado más de 2.600 civiles perdieron la vida.
Tamim al Shami también denunció que la coalición de países árabes ha destruido más de 100 hospitales y policlínicos.
Lea más en http://mundo.sputniknews.com/orientemedio/20151028/1053026290/yemen-ninos-muertos-conflicto.html#ixzz3qewfkvVc


US Official - Intel Evidence hints bomb brought down Russian Plane

The Latest: US exec: Evidence hints bomb brought down plane:

Image result for sinai plane crash

The official says intercepted communications played a role in the tentative conclusion that the Islamic State group's Sinai affiliate planted an explosive device on the plane.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, and others said there had been no formal judgment rendered by the CIA or other intelligence agencies, and that forensic evidence from the blast site, including the airplane's black box, were still being analyzed.

Spanish Civil War - Map At Septemeber, 1936


Syrian Refugees Struggle

Irish Family, An Cheathrú Rua, Galway, 1950

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Nearly 100,000 Gazans Face Winter in Tents, Animal Shelters

Nearly 100,000 Gazans Face Winter in Tents, Animal Shelters | Global Research - Centre for... - Linkis.com

During last year’s 50-day war, Israeli airstrikes and shelling hammered the densely populated Gaza Strip causing widespread destruction of homes, schools, hospitals and factories. More than 2,100 Palestinians were killed, mostly civilians. Israel put the number of its dead at 67 soldiers and six civilians. “The underlying dynamics that saw the war in 2014 are still there,” Gunness said. “Indeed they’ve probably got worse because in 2014 there weren’t 13,000 families whose homes were uninhabitable.

ISIS strongholds targetted in Iraq, Syria

ISIS strongholds targetted in Iraq, Syria:

 At the same time the new US-backed alliance in Syria, the Syrian Democratic Forces, has announced a new offensive has begun to liberate areas of Hasakah province occupied by ISIS.

Coalition airstrikes and land offensives led by Kurdish forces on both sides of the border are aimed at interrupting ISIS supply lines, retaking territory the group has held for over a year and putting pressure on critical towns such as Deir Ezzor.

Tunisie - Operation Commando Contre Les Jihadistes

Ahmed Chalabi Dies

Ahmed Chalabi, Iraqi politician who championed US invasion, dies - BBC News

The secular Shia was once championed by the US as a potential leader of Iraq.
But they fell out after the invasion turned into a bloody occupation, and information which he had provided about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction capability was discredited.
Mr Chalabi was also in charge of the commission that stripped members of Saddam's Baath party of their positions and is seen as one of the causes of the current sectarian strife in Iraq.

Veterans For Peace Denounce US Foreign Policy


Global Warming Hotspots

Almost 80% of males born in the Soviet Union in 1923 did not survive World War II

US Foreign Policy Update

Thanks to the people in the clip for clearing up any doubts, confusions, misunderstandings and clusterfucks.

Russians Rule Out Technical Failure in Sinai Plane Crash

Turkey election: Ruling AK Party secures majority

Noviembre de 1936 - En Madrid se implanta las cartillas de racionamiento



THE DARK BEAUTY OF FILM NOIR IN 50 SHOTS | One. Perfect. Shot. | Honoring Cinema's Past - Frame by Frame


Frappes Russes en Syrie - 600 morts

Over 3,000 Killed in Iraq during October

Over 3,000 Killed in Iraq during October - Antiwar.com Original by -- Antiwar.com:

Scanning the media reports, Antiwar found that 528 civilians were reported killed, and another 602 were wounded. Security forces lost 168 members, while another 229 were wounded. The greatest number of reported casualties was among the militant groups. At least 2,375 were reported killed. Another 329 were wounded.

These casualty numbers should be considered estimates. The true figures may never be known. There is evidence that the Iraqi government is undercounting deaths among their security forces and possibly exaggerating militants deaths.

Blair denies ministers were told to 'burn' Iraq war legal advice

Blair denies ministers were told to 'burn' Iraq war legal advice | UK news | The Guardian
The Mail on Sunday quotes an unnamed senior No 10 figure saying that the then attorney general, Lord Goldsmith, presented a 13-page legal opinion on 7 March 2003 that suggested the war could be challenged under international law because of the lack of UN backing.
The paper’s source says: “There was pandemonium. The date when war was expected to start was already in the diary, and here was Goldsmith saying it could be challenged under international law. They said ‘burn it, destroy it’ and got to work on the [attorney general].”