
Jeremy Corbyn PPB

I'll be voting SNP. But if I lived in England or Wales, Corbyn would get my vote.

Clinton makes digs at Trump

Hillary hamming it. Not averse to the odd obstruction herself.

Donald Trump: "los alemanes son muy malos"

CUP Països Catalans‏


Attack on Egyptian Christians - Update

U.S. Military Acknowledges More Than 100 Died In Mosul Strike

U.S. Military Acknowledges More Than 100 Died In Mosul Strike | HuffPost: 

Air Force Brigadier General Matthew Isler, who oversaw the investigation, told reporters that the March 17 strike was aimed at two Islamic State snipers.
However, the 500-pound bomb triggered explosives inside the concrete building, collapsing it onto civilians.
Isler said the United States and nearby Iraqi forces did not know there were civilians in the building or that it had been rigged with explosives.
He added that 101 civilians inside the building were killed, four civilians were killed in nearby, and 36 civilians were still not accounted for.
Prior to this investigation, the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State said that at least 352 civilians have been killed in strikes it carried out in Iraq and Syria since 2014. That estimate is far lower than those provided by outside groups.

How Venezuela Slipped Back

Image result for Venezuela flagHow Venezuela went from the richest economy in South America to the brink of financial ruin | The Independent

Despite Chavez’s victory, the two parties still dominated government institutions, which he saw as antagonists or even potential threats.He passed a new constitution and purged government jobs. Some moves were broadly popular, like judicial reforms that reduced corruption. Others, like abolishing the legislature’s upper house, seemed to have a broader aim.

Manchester Bombing - ISIS Connection

Homage To Guernica

Watergate - Smoking Gun Tape Audio




Manchester attack: Trump condemns media leaks

Manchester attack: Trump condemns media leaks - BBC News

US President Donald Trump has said leaks of the investigation into the Manchester attack to the US media are "deeply troubling".
They were a "grave threat to our national security", he added, and his administration would get to the bottom of it.
His remarks come after US media published photos from the scene of Monday night's attack.
Salman Abedi blew himself up, killing 22 adults and children.
Mr Trump, who is at the Nato summit in Brussels with UK Prime Minister Theresa May, said: "These leaks have been going on for a long time.

The Irish Dead: Fighting Fascism in Spain, 1937

The Irish Dead: Fighting Fascism in Spain, 1937

Hugh Bonnar was born in Donegal in 1907, the son of an agricultural labourer. Hugh would not follow in his father’s occupational footsteps and instead found employment away from the land as a plasterer. Bonnar’s left-wing convictions would see him abandon his trade and join many of his fellow countrymen in the fight against fascism in Spain in 1937.
Upon arrival in Spain in January ’37 Bonnar ascended the rank of platoon leader in the famed Lincoln battalion. Unfortunately, Bonnar would meet his end during the Battle of Jarma and fell under a barrage of bullets on the forth day of April 1937.

UK police 'stop passing information to US' over leaks of key evidence

Police on a street in Wigan on Wednesday.UK police 'stop passing information to US' over leaks of key evidence | UK news | The Guardian

Downing Street was not behind any decision by Greater Manchester police to stop sharing information with US intelligence, a No 10 source said, stressing that it was important police were allowed to take independent decisions.

“This is an operational matter for police,” a No 10 spokesman said. The police and the Home Office refused to comment on the BBC report. The Guardian understands there is not a blanket ban on intelligence-sharing between the US and the UK.

La France sur la défensive : Macron va prolonger l'Etat d'urgence

Yemen Update


Catalan secession movement: Catalonia to immediately declare independence if no referendum held

Catalan secession movement: Catalonia to immediately declare independence if no referendum held | In English | EL PAS

The document aims to work as a provisional Catalan Constitution that, according to the text, would be in place during the two-month period that the parliament would have to begin a process that would culminate in the “parliamentary republic” of Catalonia.
“If the Spanish state effectively impedes the holding of a referendum, this law will enter into effect in a complete and immediate manner when the [regional] parliament has verified such an impediment,” the draft legislation reads.

Turkish Police State - Continued

Israel Bans Swedish Foreign Minister

Spanish Socialists re-elect Pedro Sanchez to lead party

Spanish Socialists re-elect Pedro Sanchez to lead party | World news | The Guardian
Following his resignation, the PSOE abstained from Rajoy’s investiture debate, returning the PP to office and ending the 10-month political stalemate that had left Spain without a government after two inconclusive general elections.

Sanchez has spent the past few months criss-crossing the country, addressing the PSOE’s grassroots supporters and urging the party to move to the left.

He hailed his victory as an example of “democracy, participation and transparency” and vowed to make the PSOE a credible winning party once again.

“To the millions of progressives who may or may not have voted Socialist, we say the PSOE will be an effective opposition, and one that defends the social majority who are sick of PP corruption and who are suffering job insecurity and inequality as a result of the PP’s cuts,” he said.

Palestine: 50 Years of Occupation

Palestine: 50 Years of Occupation | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

During the long dragged peace process Israel managed to manipulate the geography of the West Bank and force realities on the ground to hinder and ultimately end the peace process. To realize its objective; Israeli managed to multiply the settlements’ areas in the West Bank territory (including occupied East Jerusalem) by 185%; from 78 square km {30 square miles} in 1990 to 196.5 square km {76 square miles} in 2015 (respectively 1.2% – 3.5% of the West Bank area); and simultaneously triple the number of Israeli settlers for the same period from 240,000 to more than 763,000 in 2016; an increase by 218%.


Le Violiniste Bleu (1947) - Marc Chagall

Impeachment - Nixon vs Trump

The conditions had to be in place for Nixon, a hugely powerful President with a recent election victory, to be impeached. The reasons and charges were already there in spades. But the political conditions had to come together. They nearly didn't. Here's my assessment of what they were - the parallels with Trump are self -evident in my opinion.
- The number of institutional sides from which the WH was under assault - the courts, Congress and ultimately the FBI who felt betrayed and compromised. Trump has enemies now in all three of these constituencies 
- The almost unanimous hostility of the media/press
- Nixon, like trump, had influential opponents even within the GOP.
- The Nixon White House was remote and out of touch. They were always a step behind what the media knew
- Leaks. Nixon's team leaked like a sieve as they all tried to save their own backs and careers. Trumps White House is chaotic and full of feuds and vendettas. The factions leak against each other.
- The lawyers. Both the Nixon and Trump sailed close to the wind as regards the legality of their actions. The legal establishment in the US, when push comes to shove, will rally behind the Constitution.
The impeachent process can be short. But Trump won't go through with it. He would rather resign I believe. 
Trump is toast. Gone by 2018.