
Blair To Unite Religions - This is Not a Joke

Former prime minister Tony Blair has promised to "spend the rest of my life" uniting the world's religions. He might like to start the ball rolling at Guantanamo Bay.
Another of his jobs is with one of Wall Street's biggest banks, JP Morgan. He is expected to earn more than £500,000 from his role as part-time adviser giving political and strategic advice and taking part in some client events. He is also currently serving as an international envoy(American lackey)in the Middle East and says he expects to agree to "a small handful" of similar appointments with other companies.

"I have always been interested in commerce and the impact of globalisation''.


  1. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Yeah but he was good on the telly unlike his successor.

  2. Anonymous1:55 PM

    This is a good example of how religious and conscientious the failed candidate for the EU Presidency really is:

