
Condi To The Rescue

Yes, it's Condi the peacekeeper. Iraq - solved. Afghanistan - solved. Lebanon - solved. Wasn't she involved in the solution and break-out of peace in Darfur as well? Her fingerprints are over them all. Now the beleaguered Georgians can look forward to her no-nonsense brand of banging the heads (towelheads?) together so successful in various war theatres. The peace triumvirate: Bush, Rice and Blair. With a record like Blair's (how many tens of thousands dead? How many millions displaced?)why don't they set up a 'Peace Mission' for the Middle East. Oops, they already have.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Condi is the uberbabe in the babe war between her and Sara Palin. Let's have a babefest election in America starting here in Scottsdale. I'm ready for ya, girls.
