
Tony Blair and Conspiracies

Blair said on US Television yesterday that the Chilcott Inquiry Into the Iraq debacle is just a 'search for conspiracies'. This would be true if the search for truth was a search for conspiracies. Not that Chilcott will blame Blair, but at least some more light is being shed on the scuttling creatures in the dark,dank corners of neoconservatism(British style).

Here's a quote for Blair from Michael Parenti, Dirty Truths, City Lights Books, 1996: "Those who suffer from conspiracy phobia are fond of saying: "Do you actually think there's a group of people sitting around in a room plotting things?" For some reason that image is assumed to be so patently absurd as to invite only disclaimers. But where else would people of power get together on park benches or carousels? Indeed, they meet in rooms: corporate boardrooms, Pentagon command rooms, at the Bohemian Grove, in the choice dining rooms at the best restaurants, resorts, hotels, and estates, in the many conference rooms at the White House, the NSA, the CIA, or wherever. And, yes, they consciously plot though they call it "planning" and "strategizing" and they do so in great secrecy, often resisting all efforts at public disclosure. No one confabulates and plans more than political and corporate elites and their hired specialists."

1 comment:

  1. When Nikita Kruschev came to NY to give his famous shoe pounding speech at the UN he went to a hotel. When he came out of the hotel, he said ---now I know who runs the world.---
    The B&B Bros. -[Bush/Blair] are mere puppets for the powers that be [TPTB].
