
World Outrage Over Israeli Massacre of Activists

Boarding ships in international waters is piracy and an international crime in itself. Remember what happened to the Somalian pirates. The idea that the activists should turn over their aid supplies to Israel is laughable; the reason why the aid is needed is that the Israelis are slowly starving people in the Gaza strip. Israel sold its soul as a nation some time ago. Over to Obama for some half-hearted weasel words of non-condemnation.Link.


  1. Annie@Oasis3:49 AM

    A Turkish-flagged ship on the high seas is Turkish territory. This is an act of piracy pure and simple.

  2. The Israeli's are describing the 'operation' as ongoing at midday. They are spinning it that the ships were carrying weapons and some of the activists even had knives.

  3. Annie,
    I don't know if you are aware that Hague and Cameron are both members of Conservative Friends of Israel. They won't be using the word 'piracy' in the next few months I expect.

  4. Latest condemnations here:

  5. In a crazy way this was expected.
    Israel lives off of total chaos.
    I have also called these "commandos" murderous pirates.
    They should be treated as such by the world community. Turkey will be the key here. I am sure the O team will not have much to say.
    Gaza is Israels Gulag and they want to hide it, yet keep it that way. Israel feel they are untouchable. They are a rogue state, that is a clear and present danger to the region, and the world.

  6. Just remember the denials and lies that were put out by the Israeli's when they went to war in Gaza.

    They claimed no use of phosphorus shells. Proved to be a lie. They claimed not to have deliberately shot civilians. Proved by the testimony of their own soldiers to have been a lie. They claimed not to have shelled a UN compound. Proved to be a lie.
