
It's Obama Who Should Wake Up

Last night at the Pyramid Club in Philadelphia, President Obama said “when I hear Democrats griping and groaning and saying, ‘Well, you know, the health care plan didn’t have a public option;’ and I don’t know, ‘The financial reform — there was a provision here that I think we should have gotten better’; or, ‘You know what, yes, you ended the war in Iraq, the combat mission there, but you haven’t completely finished the Afghan war yet’; or this or that or the other — I say, folks, wake up.”
'You ended the war Iraq?' Thank goodness that's all been cleared up then. Congratulations all round on a job well done. Who is it who is sleepwalking into oblivion here? Who is it who could hand the White House and geopolitics with it to the know-nothing-and-proud-of-it right? A final thought to depress you about Obama. Did anyone read today that the CIA now operates a 3,000 strong night-ops army within an army in Afghanistan? I wonder how many innocent men, women and children have been murdered in their beds by these incompetent 'terrorist hunters'. Wikileaks, are you watching?


  1. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=21143

    Are you Bill Wilson?:-)

  2. O was the Manchurian Candidate.
    This whole regime is a farce.
    Wonder where he hides that Nobel "War" prize?

    Now you know I am going to use this photo shop, Don't you? LOL
