
New £abour Hypocrisy Over Iraq Erupts

At the Labour Party Conference today former Foreign Secretary David Miliband was filmed turning to Harriet Harman and asking: "You voted for it, why are you clapping?" Alistair Darling, Jack Straw and Andy Burnham also did not applaud.cal editor Nick Robinson said the unscripted aside from David Miliband illustrated how he, and other former Lbour ministers, "deeply resent" the way in which Ed Miliband used his "rather less than public opposition to the war" to win the party leadership.

Ed Miliband - who beat his brother to the party leadership - has previously said he did not back the decision to go to war in Iraq.

Lord Falconer, Blair's and the War's apologist in chief said later on the BBC that it had been a 'very difficult time' for New £abour and Britain. Not as difficult a time, I suspect, as that suffered by the countless thousands of Iraqis killed, maimed and traumatised, not to mention the millions still displaced.

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