
Obama and Guantanamo

From Die Zeit, via Reality Zone (full story).

'But these documents, compiled between February 2002 and January 2009, provide information on more than 700 prisoners and document the legal and moral dilemma of the United States. They bear witness to what was frequently blind persecution in a moment of extreme national shock. They describe the chaos, the hate-filled zeal, the lack of professionalism the sometimes the fatal lawlessness of the anti-terror campaign.
The documents report on the tensions between the guards and the guarded. They document methods of confessions exacted under torture. They document false accusations made by fellow detainees and often flimsy evidence. Terrible fates are revealed. For instance, the interrogators felt that after six years of torture and brutal interrogation, one prisoner still hadn't revealed all, and there were still, “possible areas of intelligence that could be further exploited.”


  1. http://www.fpif.org/blog/wikileaks_juveniles_at_gitmo_not_products_of_a_little-league_team?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+FPIF+%28Foreign+Policy+In+Focus+%28All+News%29%29&utm_content=FeedBurner

  2. I just posted this.
    GITMO is most shameful.
    This is O's biggest broken promise.
    W's third term via O is a further continuation of a country that has lost its soul.
    I am ashamed, as should be all Americans.

  3. It's strange and bizarre on many levels. I searched for a Gitmo image on Yahoo and found the one above which I thought was horrible. By a co-oincidence it was the same image from the original report which I hadn't noticed.

  4. LOL
    I went to google images and typed in --children at gitmo.
    Not much there either.

  5. Anonymous12:10 PM

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