
Stop Press - Obama Solves Palestine/Israel Problem

The Palestinian state needs to be 'viable'(hooray). Israel needs to be 'secure' (hooray). Obama has solved the Middle East crisis with hooray words. It's another example of the Peace Of Obama's Speechwriters. It makes you wonder what all the trouble was about in the first place. Thanks, O.


  1. I would really like to now how much, if any of this speech was written by O himself.
    Who were the ghost writers for this speech?
    Did Dennis Ross have his finger prints on this.
    Especially the part that Hamas must first recognize the state of Israel.
    Leaving the refugee, and Jerusalem problem till later.
    The bomb bomb bomb Iran hawks had their fingerprints on this also.
    Saying that Assad either goes along, or just goes.
    This is code speak for further regime changes, and puts Iran on notice.
    Blaming the uprising in Bahrain on Iran was 100% psycho.

  2. I don't put any value on O's speeches at all. Look at all the old ones which don't add up to a row of beans now. The 1967 ploy is a clever one, though. He knows it will never happen as much as Netanyahu and the settlers do. But he can play the card of 'abandoning' it when the AIPAC boys come knocking during his bid for the second term. He will get their votes by scrapping a proposal which he never meant in the first place.
