
Update From Arab Countries - From Baghdad Dweller

Iraqi oppo­si­tions and resis­tance groups in Syria nego­ti­ate with Turkey to host their pres­ence fol­low­ing the unrest in Syria and the pos­si­bil­ity of the Syr­ian gov­ern­ment to han­dover their leader to the Iraqi government.
Yemeni Pres­i­dent Ali Abdul­lah Saleh lost his nose in the blast in the pres­i­den­tial mosque and this is the rea­son that he couldn’t appear on TV to address his people.
Ger­man doc­tors who arrived in Riyadh-Saudi Ara­bia suc­ceeded to remove shrap­nel from the President’s heart and lung. Plas­tic surgery spe­cial­ist pre­formed a com­pli­cated oper­a­tion to restore the President’s nose.
The Gulf-States estab­lished a joint oper­a­tions room and a joint police force intended to counter inter­nal threats of people’s move­ments, as is the case in Bahrain, Saudi Ara­bia and the Sul­tanate of Oman.
Libya, Sudan
The Sudanese Gov­ern­ment rejected a request from Libyan leader Muam­mar Gaddafi, to shel­ter Gaddafi’s sons in the coun­try in Don­gola area raised as a shelter.
Libya, Qatar
Reports say that the real rea­son Qatar deported the Libyan rape vic­tim Iman Al-Obaidi is that Al-Obaidi started to talk about her in details in the pres­ence of princes of the Qatari royal fam­ily, espe­cially with the Crown Prince Sheikh Tamim.
Mem­bers of the Libyan Tran­si­tional Coun­cil say that the Qatari Gov­ern­ment did not pro­vide Al-Obaidi with the required reha­bil­i­ta­tion and the psy­chi­atric treatment.

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