
Iraq And The US Narrative

Noticeably and grievously absent from U.S. mainstream corporate media accounts like this one are the facts about what the Iraqi public actually have to say about the foreign occupation of their country.
A February 2004 poll by Oxford Research International showed that 39.5% of Iraqis supported the presence of coalition forces in their country, with 13.2% strongly in support, while a majority of 50.9% opposed the foreign occupation, with 31.3% expressing strong opposition.
In May 2004, a poll conducted for the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA)showed that “80 percent of the Iraqis questioned reported a lack of confidencein the Coalition Provisional Authority, and 82 percent said they disapprove of the U.S. and allied militaries in Iraq.” Presumably referring to the same poll, theTelegraph reported, “More than half of Iraqis would feel safer without Americantroops in the country, according to a leaked poll showing that a mere 10 per cent now backed coalition forces.” Read more.

1 comment:

  1. No occupation, no insurgency.
    No U.S. troops in Iraq.
    No A/Q in Iraq.

    I would not allow any one to sit in my living room for 8 years.
