
My Favourite Mistake - Madeleine Albright

Newsweek has a feature called "My Favorite Mistake," where a famous person talks about something they've done wrong.http://www.fair.org/blog/wp-admin/edit.php
Two weeks ago (7/24/11) it's former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. The mistake she cited was when she wore the wrong pin to a meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, and then said something critical about his Chechnya policy. (The best mistakes are the most self-serving ones, apparently.)
When I saw the headline, I was half-wondering if she'd talk about her famous defense of killing Iraqi children on 60 Minutes (5/12/96):
Leslie Stahl asks Albright: "We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?"
To which Albright replies: "I think this is a very hard choice. But the price--we think the price is worth it."
Iraq did come up in the Newsweek piece, when Albright wrote, "We had sanctions on Iraq then, and I was instructed to keep saying terrible things about Saddam Hussein."
I would agree that she said something terrible.


  1. I despise Albright almost as much as Kissinger.
    Actually I think she is Kissinger in drag. LOL
    She was one of O's foreign policy advisers during the campaign.
    She is a uber globalist Neolib.
    She was the one having tea with the Taliban negotiating the Unocal pipeline.

    Her statement about the Iraqi children is disgusting.
    I remember when she said it.
    I do not believe she ever took it back, explained it, or apologized for it.

  2. She's not really human, you know.

    Neither is Kissinger.

    Or any of them.

    They are all programmed NeoLib bots.

    Out to conquer the world.

    And they are winning!

  3. Yes, Suzan. There is something robotic going on there. The statement about the Iraqi children was reported here, RZ, but nobody was interested.
