
Bicom Propaganda On Palestinian Statehood Exposed

As the vote approaches on whether the UN  should recognise Palestine as a sovereign state, BICOM, a London lobbying group devoted to creating a ‘more supportive environment for Israel in the UK’ has just blundered big-time.
Its chief executive, former Labour MP for Rochdale, Lorna Fitzsimons, 44, has mistakenly sent to the Press details of how BICOM is seeking to influence media coverage. Such as liaising with BBC and Sky to ensure ‘the most objectively favourable line was taken…’ 
She writes: ‘I briefed Jonathan Ford, the Financial Times leader writer for his upcoming leading article… BICOM had regular contact with the Editor at Large of Prospect magazine, David Goodhart, helping to inform him about the forthcoming UN vote on Palestinian statehood…’ A BICOM spokesman denies that Ms Fitzsimons is to lose her job.
H/T to Mehdi Hassan for this.

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