
W.H.Auden - If I Could Tell You


  1. We will be told when it is time to know.
    Some seek truth, while others hide in ignorance.
    I want to know, that is why I am here.

  2. RZ sent me over here, and I'm glad he did. Wonderful poem and reading. He's such a good reader, isn't he? Love his pseudonym. Roger Ebert thinks he knows who he is and his voice is "recognizable."

    The best poems are timeless.

    Thanks for posting this.

  3. Welcome here, Teresa. I have left a comment or two on your site in the past, courtesy of our mutual friend RZ. SpokenVerse is a great reader to my mind. Check out Adrian Mitchell reading his own poem 'To Whom It May Concern' on the toob. Look out for Alan Ginsberg in the audience. :)

  4. I shall. Thanks for the tip!

  5. Just watched Adrian Mitchell. Wow. Thanks for that. Hard to imagine it was forty-six years ago.

  6. I'm glad you followed it up, Teresa. Irrespective of the 46 year time-lapse, you could substitute Iraq or Afghanistan for 'Vietnam' and the lies are the same lies.

  7. Exactly so. That's what makes it so powerful yet today.
