
Fear Of Obama Re-election Driving US Gun Sales?

A prominent businessman recently shopped at Cheaper Than Dirt, saying that "Republicans don't have a prayer against Obama" this year. That man, Irwin said, spent $25,000 on ammunition, magazines and other gun paraphernalia.
"The folks paying attention to the political climate think this might be an opportunity to stock up," Irwin said.
John Woods, who has lobbied for legislation to keep guns off college campuses, said many fears surfacing are unwarranted.
"The gun lobby has long known that fear is a remarkable marketing and fundraising tool," said Woods, a graduate student at the University of Texas at Austin who attended Virginia Tech and lost his girlfriend in the 2007 shooting there that claimed 33 lives. "But the Supreme Court ruled recently that the Second Amendment is an individual right, so that fear is completely misplaced."
Read more here.

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