
Iraqi Christians Latest Group To Say 'Thanks, Dubya'

''Many of the people now struggling in Iraq’s Kurdish north came in the wake of a suicide attack in Baghdad at Our Lady of Salvation Church in October 2010. It was the single worst assault on Iraq’s Christians since the war began, one that left 50 worshipers and 2 priests dead and that turned the church into a charnel house of scorched pews and shattered stained glass.
Christian families in Baghdad grabbed clothing, cash and a few other provisions and headed north for the Christian communities along the Nineveh plain and Kurdistan’s three provinces. They joined tens of thousands of other Christians from the capital, Mosul and other cities who traced similar arcs after earlier attacks and assassination campaigns.''
Another exodus in Iraq. More than 2 million Iraqis have been displaced since 2003. LINK

1 comment:

  1. But, but, but, I thought we attacked, invaded, occupied, and destroyed a whole country and it's people in the name of freedom and democracy. :-)
    Guess not.
