
McCain Advocates Air-Strikes On Syria

The Obama administration has thus far stressed seeking a political solution to the crisis. Last month, the White House said it did not rule out "additional measures" if a political solution turned out to be impossible."The time has come for a new policy," said McCain, who lost the race for the White House to Democrat Barack Obama in 2008. "Assad needs to know that he will not win.""These safe havens could serve as platforms for the delivery of humanitarian and military assistance - including weapons and ammunition, body armor and other personal protective equipment, tactical intelligence, secure communications equipment, food and water and medical supplies," said McCain, the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee. More.

1 comment:

  1. Mc Insane should have a physical.
    I do believe that he is mentally ill.
    Who or what does he speak to while he sleeps at night.
    He is truly delusional.
    He loves war as long as its blood belongs to others.
    His time at the Hanoi Hilton should have disqualified him for public office.
    I think he can not look at himself in the mirror, because he knows he "talked".
    He and Graham should both be shipped to Syria and dropped off.
