
Obama Grovels To AIPAC

There are few more demeaning sights than US politicos kow-towing to AIPAC and the Israeli lobby generally, mooching for crumbs of influence and funding. It's worse when it is the President. The poisonous influence of this group is illustrated here back in 2008. The worst I ever saw was of Dubya looking for a second term and name-checking every contributor to Republican funds at an AIPAC Meeting. I have looked for a clip and can't find one. But here is one of his successors, grovelling for all he is worth (and resembling nothing more than the GOP candidates):-


  1. It's hard to imagine that anyone with even half a brain would still buy into this bullshit. When they report this on the evening news, I can't imagine how the newscasters can even give these stories with a straight face. I guess that's what they get paid big money to do.

  2. Yes, T. And the longer they buy into it the longer the vortex will suck in its victims in the poor, remote villages where the highly paid 'newscasters' will never set a foot or a camera.
