
Seymour Hersch On JFK, Bay of Pigs, The Mob, Operation Mongoose, Diem, Vietnam

I haven't read the book, which was reviewed mostly in terms of the salacious sex content, but I will now. This clip is a succinct account on the real black ops side of Kennedy. He was in on the coup against Diem and was obsessed with removing Fidel Castro by any means available.



  1. Just as Diem" had to go", so did many in America.
    And away they went.
    Its always the peace makers and the ones screaming for justice and not the war mongers that are buried before their time.
    When the plotted against Cuba they also saw Berlin.
    They were afraid that if Cuba lasted the Soviets would advance into Germany and or Europe.
    And their only answer would have been nukes.
    The missile exchange deal has been well known for some time.
    Castro was 90 miles away, but he was a threat to the american mind set.
    Capitalist Corporatistas could not allow a socialist mirror into the American homes.
    In actuality we never really fought communism or even socialism, we promoted the bottom line for the corporatistas.
    Think (United Fruit Company) and many many others of that time.
    And their journey continues.

  2. Kennedy's Catholicism came into his anti-communist mindset too. A falangist really. The removal of Diem because he could compromise the re-election bid is truly shocking though. I believe that Diem would have arrived at a deal with Ho Chi Min. Diem was more worried about the Buddhists than about the Vietcong.
