
Syrian Ceasefire Deal Leaves US out in the Cold

Russian jets allowed Syrian government troops to break out of a stalemate in Aleppo, cutting supply routes into that city which has been an anti-Assad stronghold for years.

This is a setback for Isis which has also failed to reclaim Idlib and western Aleppo, but the military landscape is changing.
With hundreds of thousands of people facing siege in the ruins of Aleppo, and the EU fearful that thousands more are fleeing to Europe. Latest developments could trigger a new influx of refugees.
In the improvised ceasefire deal, Russia wrung so many concessions out of others around the table that the deal looked like an endorsement of its role in Syria. Hostilities will not stop for about two weeks and, even when they do, bombing campaigns against “terrorists” could continue. Interesting that Russia using the same old spin about civilian casualties as US/NATO.
So Russia will continue bombing as before, since it has always claimed only to target extremists, while focusing more of its bombs on President Bashar al-Assad’s opposition than on Isis or al-Qaida’s Syrian operation, Jabhat al-Nusra. The GOP 'debaters' on Saturday were talking about 'our guys' in Syria. The very ones Russia are bombing.

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