
Iraq - Fallujah 20 Years On


  1. For me this was worthless totally. May be an attempt to rewrite history. Not one mention of the numerous atrocities committed by the United States and aftermath. Depleted uranium is one. Children and people with white flags being targeted by snipers with 50 cals. What do families affected think 20 years later. That kinda shit.

  2. Aye. I have to agree that France 24 is an 'Atlantic Bridge' medium. The Iraq bloodbath remains the worst thing I've seen in my lifetime for it's crassness, cruelty and futility. I just about recall Vietnam but Iraq was played out on our screens and we could see and hear the lies being told transparently. The US/UK axis have been almost competely successful in airbrushing the birth defects from the White Phosphorus/Depleted Uranium out of history. I blogged about it for years but, as always, I was pretty much a voice crying in the wilderness. Slainthe, mo charaid. T.

  3. At least we were aware and tried Tony.
