
Kamala Harris

If I had needed any confirmation that Harris was an empty suit equipped with nothing but a soundbite voice for spouting slogans and vacuities, her speech last night would have nailed it. She's trying to channel Obama's 'Hope' and 'Change' verbal soporifics of course. But 'Chart a new way forward' would have embarrassed even Obama as a mantra. 'Hope', 'change', 'new way forward', 'opportunity economy' are not policies as the spin-teams would have the US public believe. If you asked Harris for one policy, which actually was a policy/action, I truly believe she would struggle. If asked for her Action Plan, 'Hope', 'Change' flannel would be her reply. It's come down to this - The election for the most powerful job in the world is between a criminal narcissist with the intellect of an 8 year-old and a recording machine for spin-room generated slogans. We're in for the era of Kamala's speechwriters. I hope she wins. My expections thereafter are nil. The winner of the US election will be Israel. 

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