
'Goodbye Kiss From the Iraqi people, Dog'

Muntazer al-Zaidi spoke for all of us, Dubya.


  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Well done, Muntazer. Cheney said on CBS last week 'seems like the Iraqi people are doing just fine'. Except for the millions in exile and hundreds of thousands dead. Yeah, the survivors are surviving.

  2. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Sock and Awe -
    Play the Bush-shoeing game here:http://play.sockandawe.com/

  3. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I enjoyed the Sock and Awe game, Tony. I got the bastard six out of six. I don't believe the stories the US tame press are spinning about the shoe-thrower apologising, either. The stories about the shoes being destroyed by the Americans rings true, though.

  4. Yes. Muntazer's follow up comment is worth remembering - “This is from the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq”. He is a Shiite too. I'll be posting my own valedictory to Dubya, for what it's its worth, when Obama picks up the bag of manure he is leaving behind.

  5. Anonymous2:01 PM

    The shoes Iraqi journalist Muntazer al-Zaidi threw at George W Bush in Baghdad had more courage and truth in them than all the honeyed words of America’s fawning media. Zaidi reminded the world that Bush, Dick Cheney and their helpers have the blood of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis on their hands – perhaps as many as 1mn.
    While Zaidi was being beaten in prison for his courageous act, off in New York, the fabled financial guru, Bernie Madoff, was accused of bilking clients of an astounding $50bn while well-fed watchdogs of the Securities and Exchange Commission slept.
    Thanks to Madoff and other Wall Street bandits, tens of millions of Americans have lost their life savings and retirement funds, and the world financial system is on the rocks. The storm they created has blown as far east as the Gulf and South Asia.
    Ironically, while Bush and Cheney were obsessed by Al Qaeda, the real danger to America was at home – on Wall Street.
