
Six Years of Shame in Iraq

"Down, down USA," the demonstrators chanted as a Ali al-Marwani, a Sadrist official, denounced the US occupation of Iraq that began with the fall of Baghdad on April 9th, 2003, and the toppling of Saddam Hussein's statue in Firdos Square. The crowds of Sadr supporters stretched from the giant Sadr City slum in northeast Baghdad to the square around 5 km away. Protesters burned an effigy featuring the face of former US president George W. Bush, who ordered the invasion of Iraq, and also the face of Saddam. "God, unite us, return our riches, free the prisoners from the prisons, return sovereignty to our country ... make our country free from the occupier, and prevent the occupier from stealing our oil," Sadr said in a message read by an aide.
"God, make us the liberators of our land," the message said, drawing roars of approval from the crowd, many clutching or wearing Iraqi flags, and some wearing Iraqi national team tracksuits in a show of nationalist sentiment.
Hammering home the nationalist message, Sadr exhorted the demonstrators to shake hands with each other and Iraqi police and soldiers overseeing the march. Long queues formed to kiss the police and troops on the cheeks and shake their hands.One of many worldwide declamations here

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