
Tony Blair's Second Legacy

That Blair's epitaph is a mountain of skulls in Iraq has been established for some time. He will set it in cement with his appearance at the Chilcott Inquiry this week with his usual farrago of half-truths, spin, obfuscation and narcissism. A second legacy, less publicised, is one he shares with Gordon Brown. It is the destruction of the Labour Party and the demise of social democracy as a force in British politics for the near future. The Labour Party, of which I was a member for many years before Iraq, has been eviscerated by them and their acolytes (Mandelson, Straw and Campbell deserve a mention here). What does it represent now? Nobody knows, not even it's rump of MPs who await the axe at the election of May 6. A few keynotes which characterises them :-

  • Incompetence
  • Surrogate Thatcherism (PFI, anyone?)
  • Privatisation (How's that privatisation of the Post Office going?)
  • Unquestioning support for US Foreign Policy(incompetently pursued)
  • Image over substance
  • Paternalism
  • Incompetence and
  • Incompetence.
What happened to the great Labour brains? Bevan(40s/50s), Crossman(50s/60s), Crosland(50s/60s), Foot(60s/70s), Gould(80s/90s). 1992- Zero..

It will take years for the political left to regroup in the UK. The Lib Dems could try to occupy the ground but Clegg hasn't got the vision to take them there. I think it will take a new party to emerge. Meanwhile the horrors of Cameronism - whatever that means - await us…….. This is bleak, isn't it? I'm off to bed.


  1. A change is coming. If not from with in, then outer forces will bring about that change. The colonial days of the G1 G2 G3 are over. There used to be a saying "go West young man, go West." Well it is swinging the other way. Look to the East.

    This is what the West fears so much. The Easrern horizon. [CHINA].

  2. Yes - if the NATO powers could combine China with Islam they would have a two-in-one bogeyman to fear and build up at the same time.

  3. They will always have A/Q to chase all over the planet. I believe now we will start hearing a separation between the Taliban and A/Q. Remember A/Q is here, there and everywhere. lol This will give them justification to have endless wars with out borders. A sort of quasi colonialism. Attack, clear, build, stay a while, then move on to the next one. Some foot[boot]prints never leave.
