
Al Megrahi Release - US Hypocrisy

The US Senate are trying to coerce the Scottish First Minister to give evidence on the release as part of their inquiry. You may recall that the horrendous Lockerbie attack was linked, accurately, to the shooting down in July 1988 of Iran Air Flight 655 by USS Vincennes. Where is the US Senate inquiry into that massacre of men, women and children? 290 dead - an 'accident' the US said.

This affair also serves to reopen the Iraq debate, in a way that vindicates Blair's most severe critics. Tony Blair's remaining defenders say he was motivated in Iraq by a hatred of terrorism and tyranny and had no regard whatsoever for getting access to oil. Yet at the very same time the New£abour government was plotting in Libya to hand the worst terrorist in British history to a tyrant in exchange for oil. It's proof that oil and corporate power were a much bigger factor in driving foreign policy than the public rhetoric of opposing tyranny or terror.

David Cameron refuses to open an investigation. He says he will release all the relevant documents but the Cabinet Office has quietly declared that Blair's permission will be needed before any records are shown to the public. For the families of all the innocent people slaughtered in Lockerbie, this has been a cold-water education in what their governments really value. Cohen, remembering her murdered 20 year-old daughter Theodora, says: "Western governments seem to be run by one thing now the great God money."

There's a revealing postscript to this story. Last month, Blair went to Libya on behalf of the many mega-corporations who now employ him. He was greeted by Gaddaffi himself who tortures dissidents and terrorises his population "like a brother", according to the Libyan press. There has even been speculation that, now they need a CEO, Tony Blair will go to work for BP. In so many ways, it seems, he always has.


  1. Blair and the rest of the Neocons sold their soul long ago.

    War is peace.
    Peace is war.
    I fear we will be living with this for the rest of our lives.

  2. I'm sure we will, RZ. As sure as I am that we will continue to rage against it.
