
Iraq - Blair's Tunnel Vision

A few months later, in 2003, Mandelson challenged Blair on what would happen once Saddam Hussein had been overthrown. "You can go in there, you can take out Saddam, but what do you do with Iraq?" he asked Blair. "You're going to have a country on your hands. I don't know what your plan is. I don't know how you're going to do it. Who is going to run the place?"Blair replied: "That's the Americans' responsibility. It's down to the Americans''. Link


  1. Sorry man, But I am not buying this.
    Blair knew what he was getting into.
    Ya, W might have pressed him a little. But Blair can not slither out of this by putting the whole thing on W. The U/K/U.S.A. alliance of global empire has been around for a long, long time. This country was founded on that premise.
    They call it Manifest Destiny.

  2. http://original.antiwar.com/worthington/2010/07/15/uk-sought-rendition-of-british-nationals-to-guantanamo-tony-blair-directly-involved/

  3. RZ, Blair's duplicity could come to set a world standard for the debasement of truth. You will know from my posts from the past my detestation of the man. I voted for him in 1997, an error which actually haunts my dreams. You will be unfamiliar with Lord Mandelson, the self-styled dark lord, the Karl Rove of the UK New Labour cult. He has done us a service in his self-serving way by exposing his erstwhile friends, principally Blair and Brown in his recently published memoirs. A particular chamber of hell awaits them all. There, I feel better now. Keep up your enviable energy. You are a beacon of the blogs.

  4. Every country has their demon leaders.
    Slowly but surely these shadows behind the curtain are being exposed.
    It is our duty to have a place where the masses can peek behind those curtains.
    It is their duty to take a look, and explore the madness of these cretins.
    Thanks for the compliment. I really enjoy your blog because it gives me an insight of the U.K.
