
As Obama Pretends To Withdraw - Some Benefits for Iraqis To Be Grateful For

Map showing electricity supply to regions of Iraq

I would say this speaks for itself. It is a significant dip in quality of life for most Iraqis even compared to Saddam's time. Of course it only applies to those who have survived the Saddam years and (god help us) 'Operation Iraqi Freedom'.


  1. Iraq will be a mess for decades. One has to wonder if this was not part of the agenda all along.
    The house of Saud is pleased,i am sure of that. And Israel must be elated.
    One problem for them.
    When the dust settles Iraq will be more aligned with Iran than ever before. And Iraq will be a semi-Islamic Republic. The Shia will have more control, and influence in the region than before.
    Oh, how the Saudi's and the Israelis will wish that they had Sadam to contend with.

  2. Succinctly put, RZ. The principal result of the invasion, apart from the carnage, is the creation of a Shia-ocracy across the boundaries of Iran and Iraq and wider. Not good news for anybody, particularly the long-suffering population of Iraq. Their collective strength amazes me.

  3. It always takes me back to this.


    Hit the title it will take you to the full article.
    Note the after map. The Shia gain is huge.
    Saudi Arabia also has a problem with their Shia population. They populate mostly around the area of the oil fields. They were brought in to fill the labor force.

    If Saudi oil has peaked? which I believe it has. Then the day will come where the West will turn their back, and look towards Iran, and the Shia. Not necessarily attacking, but as a new client state.
    Problem is that they are too late.
    Iran is already aligned with Russia, and China. Iran and Pakistan are observer states in the SCO. Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

  4. I don't doubt a word of it, RZ. Your assessment chimes with this good report from Newsweek today:
