
Tony Blair's Fortune

Firerush Ventures, which is controlled by Blair, has done nothing illegal, but its license from the FSA to operate “cross-border investment services” in countries with very favourable tax regimes does not play well with Labour voters, with parliamentarians who have been calling for freedom of information on offshore tax havens, or with the families of the low-paid soldiers who been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The 'Battle Back' project, which is the beneficiary of Blair's donation, seeks to help injured soldiers back into service life. It would be wrong to deny these maimed and traumatised young men any help we can give them. But how much more worthy of admiration Blair's gift would have been had at least some of it been directed towards training in conflict resolution, peacemaking and nation-building. The enabling and nourishing of peace is the best gift which could be given to our military personnel. Placed in the context of Tony Blair's fortune, which is expected to reach £45 million by next year, £5 million is fairly small change. The most recent survey done by the Charities Aid foundation shows that the lowest 10 per cent of earners give three per cent of their weekly income to charity whilst the wealthiest 20 per cent give 0.7 per cent. 


  1. Sophie From Unison9:21 AM

    Firerush, was apparently set up to manage the finances of his consultancy firm, Tony Blair Associates , but Blair has hired former investment bankers - including a former Lehman Brothers' employee and has registered the firm with the Financial Services Authority (FSA). He denies, bizzarely, that the outfit will operate as an investment bank.Whether it's a bank or not, it's a sign of the continuing expansion of the Blair empire, he is now said to be worth about £20m.

  2. "Let me ask you one question Is your money that good Will it buy you forgiveness Do you think that it could I think you will find When your death takes its toll All the money you made Will never buy back your soul. And I hope that you die And your death'll come soon I will follow your casket In the pale afternoon And I'll watch while you're lowered Down to your deathbed And I'll stand over your grave 'Til I'm sure that you're dead.------- Bob Dylan 1963
    This is part of the header on my blog.

    It is a great reminder of the psychopaths that are destroying this planet.

  3. Blair is truly a Master of War, RZ and would benefit greatly from reading your blog. It might be the first step for him on the road to some expiation.


    It's interesting that £20M is reported to be the debt of the Labour Party currently. Irony or what?

  4. PS, Sophie. if you're a Unison member read my tribute to Jimmy Reid the other day and follow the links.

  5. I thought you might like this site. He also has a few others on his profile.

