
Death of The Labour Party

Who would ever have thought after all these years the demise of the Labour Party would be presided over by five comedians who look for all the world like a (small) Star Trek convention? Not with a bang but a whimper, sure enough. And, appropriately, in the year which saw the deaths of Michael Foot and Jimmy Reid.


  1. Labour will return and defeat the ConDems easily within the next 3 years.

  2. Oh and by the way. To judge by your posts presumably you would welcome Saddam back. Blair deserves credit for removing him and that is what you people just won't see.

  3. Oh dear oh dear. 'Welcome Saddam back' is the kind of guff that Karl Rove used to write for Dubya to trot out. As far as 'you people' goes, most of the Blair despisers are ex-Labour supporters like myself. Blair killed the Labour Party and Brown, Campbell, Mandelson, the Milliblands and the rest of the grotesquerie hammered in the nails. You are a self-deluder who may well end up in the Tory Party if they would have you. It's a pity I can't take bets on this site but if you are really a Blairite rather than a spoofer you wouldn't pay me anyway.
