
Fallujah Worse Than Hiroshima

As the program has not been uploaded on YouTube, I cannot provide an absolutely accurate transcript of it. But I took brief notes, and memorized the necessary facts. I will do everything possible to present all the facts that I learned today. So what did the U.S. and its Iraqi puppets do that they do not want the public to know? And why not allow any measurement of radiation levels in Falluja, and why do they forbid even the IAEA to enter the town? By what right? What happened in Falluja, exactly? What types of bombs were used? Only DU or something else? Full horror story here.


  1. These statistics are not coincidences.
    They are consequences.

    I believe that something much more sinister happened in Fallujah.
    I believe they used it for a test area for some types of new weaponry.

    The horror that man brings upon one another is like no other.

    Was Genghis Khan a Barbarian?
    If so, then we have put him to shame with our crimes against humanity.

  2. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised by the experiment theory, RZ. The Pentagon has form for this type of thing. I got flack for suggesting they had used white phosphorous at the time. They now make no secret of it. The RAF was involved in the bombing and I am pursuing this among other Freedom of Information requests to our Ministry of Defence.

  3. Just as Israel denied using W/P on Gaza.
    First they deny, then as memory span eludes they admit.

    It was the same in the first Iraq attack under PAPA Bush. Soldiers were coming home from biological illnesses.
    They were home grown, and dispersed chemicals.

  4. Yes, what is called here the Gulf War Syndrome among soldiers is disputed by the MOD insurers but the military did it to themselves in the first Gulf War. There is very little doubt it is chemical weapons rooted and and the weapons were our own. No compensation has been paid to soldiers with the biological symptoms despite hundreds, if not thousands, of claims.

  5. It was brushed aside just as Agent Orange was after Nam.

    The Admiral Zumwalt story regarding agent orange and Nam is a true case in Coincidence, and Consequence.
    The Admiral advocated the use of agent orange for its defoliant effects.
    Well it ends up his son was in Nam.
    His own sons illnesses and demise was a result of agent orange.
