
God 'A Crock of Shit' - Stephen Hawking

The worlds of religion and cosmology were rocked to their foundations on Thursday when Stephen Hawking said there was no necessity for a God to explain the origin of the universe. I telephoned Professor Hawking at his Oxford office and asked what he thought of the rebuttals of Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury.
'Fuck him', he said 'He's as gay as a fucking Christmas Tree'. When I expressed my disappointment at these sentiments he replied 'Fuck off and don't phone this number again, you Scotch cunt.' I never got the chance to ask him if he believed, as I do, that there is the possibility of circular balance within a closed system of transitions. His shocking outburst serves to confirm my view about Professor Hawking's pretentiousness. I mean why does he speak with an American accent when he was born in Kent?

Wolves In The City Footnote - Some of Professor Hawking's comments above have been paraphrased.


  1. LOL
    He also believes that if Aliens would come to earth, they would come to destroy us.
    I believe the only thing that will save our species, and or this planet is an alien visit, and scolding.
    We are not worthy.

  2. Never thought of that, RZ. Aliens might save us? That might just work. I would take my chances with them before Sarah P or George W or Tony B. Aliens all, by any definition. Out,demons,out! Listen to the Edgar Broughton Band on my other channel right to the end, if you get a moment. You will find the mantra very satisfying and well in tune with your karma if I judge you aright.
