
Spying On Your Emails - Clegg Denies, So It Must Be True

Downing Street insisted only data – times, dates, numbers and addresses – not content would be accessible as it sought to quell fears about the proposals.
But some Lib Dems and civil liberties groups were adamant the plan would indeed give the security services access to the content and details of people's communications.
Julian Huppert, the Lib Dem MP for Cambridge who sits on the Commons home affairs select committee, said: "No expert I've ever spoken to can see how this could possibly be done without great expense and without allowing access to the actual message that was sent – which is not legal without a warrant from the home secretary. I haven't seen the details of these proposals – not for want of asking – but it's clear to me that what we want is more safeguards, not more powers for the state to keep data."
Another senior Lib Dem MP said the proposals would have to give access to content and would ride a "coach and horses" through the party's principles.


  1. OMG.
    That is great.
    What an "eye"catcher.
    And I thought I was paranoid. LOL

  2. I look forward to eyeing it soon on the excellent (and newly painted) Reality Zone site.
