
Seeking Justice for the Iraq War

Seeking justice for the Iraq war - Los Angeles Human Rights | Examiner.com: "Both the book and the movie assert that the Bush administration knowingly propagated four lies about Iraq. First, they said that Iraq was involved in 9/11. Second, they fervently claimed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction despite evidence to the contrary. Then despite numerous intelligence agency reports that stated otherwise, the administration constructed a campaign to make the public think that Saddam Hussein was an imminent threat to the United States. Finally, the public was told that Saddam would not allow weapons inspectors into his country. The movie and book detail the exact circumstances in which these statements were presented and brings forth a mountain of evidence to not only disprove the claims but also expose that they were deliberate and knowing lies that the administration propagated." MORE

1 comment:

  1. The bottom line is that they got away with it.
    The page has been conveniently turned.
    This was all part of the deal from the very beginning.
    The powers that be escape with their plunder to live in luxury.
    While the innocent suffer and die.
