
Images From The Pharaohs Exhibition - Glasgow 2013

Some pictures I took on my phone at the wonderful exhibition at Kelvingrove Art Gallery in February. Not sure I was supposed to be taking them. Some of the artefacts are from 3,500 year-old tombs in Luxor and Thebes. I recently read a forgotten book 'Stolen Legacy' by the American author George G.M. James in which he claims the principal philosophic ideas attributed to Plato and Aristotle (and so Europe) really originated in Egypt (and so Africa). Examples he gives relate to the definition of 'the Good' and the supernatural. He asserts a racial motive in the 'false' history of attribution. He is convincing on the looting of the Great Library at Alexandria (Rhacotis) at the time of Alexander the Great, which undoubtedly happened (Aristotle was actually there and set up an office in the Library). He is less convincing on some of the links he makes to archaeological finds and religious history. The book, however, is a treasure house of links into Egyptian history and belief. Particularly fascinating on the Egyptian Mysteries and cult around them. This exhibition in Glasgow touched on these and afforded a pathway to those interested in following up on the topic. As so often, the key to the problems of the present is to be found in the intellectual and spiritual struggles of the past.

1 comment:

  1. Your last sentence is so very true. It sounds and looks like a fascinating exhibit. ancient Egyptian culture and art has long been an interest for me. Thanks for sharing your illicit photos. ;)
