
US Army Vet To Kill Himself Rather Than Live With Iraq Injuries

This Army Veteran Is Going to Kill Himself Rather Than Continue to Live with Injuries Suffered in Iraq
"After nine years in and out of hospitals, Young, who lives in Kansas City, told the Kansas City Star this week that he's decided to end his life, saying simply, "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired." After trying to help him live for almost a decade, doctors have told Young they can't help him with his final wish. So sometime in the next few weeks he will start to refuse food, water, and medication. He told the Star he thinks it will only take about three days for him to die after that."


  1. All of this death and misery was brought to us by the Masters of War.
    The media swallowed it and ran with it.
    In some cases they were complicit and took direct orders from the criminals that led us into this.
    A silent and ignorant flock of sheeple cheered on as the shock and awe continued.
    Human and civil rights were thrown aside.
    We even heard of a new term for the U.S.A. [The Home Land].
    Did this term not give even the most ignorant of ignorant a clue of what was to come?

    Close Gitmo?
    Hell, they now ant to spend 41 Million $ to rebuild it.

  2. Yes. The blaming of the craven, sycophantic warmongers in the media is insufficient. The general public in the west bought the crap hook line and sinker with or without the spin. Many 'cheered it on' as you say. In the UK Blair thought Iraq would be his Falklands (cf. M.Thatcher). How did that one play out?

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_x1SopgIYJM

    I watched the full show on Linktv again last night.
    They have made dumbing the dumb a science.
