
U.S. Sidelined as Iraq Becomes Bloodier

Symbol recent of benefits of US 'Intervention'
Usual alert in relation to TIME magazine's inbuilt US bias. But an interesting piece.
U.S. Sidelined as Iraq Becomes Bloodier | TIME.com
"The U.S. invaded Iraq 3,802 days — and 4,486 American lives — ago. As Iraq moves ever closer to civil war — 1,057 died there last month, the highest toll in five years, with more than 100 perishing in nationwide bombings since last weekend — the U.S. basically can do little to quell the violence its invasion a decade ago helped make possible.
The U.S. government said the weekend attacks were likely the work of al-Qaeda’s Iraq branch, exploiting ancient tensions between Islam’s Sunni and Shi‘ite sects. Once again, it announced the existence of a $10 million bounty for information leading to the killing or capture of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Sunni leader of the local al-Qaeda franchise."

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