
What Sanctions, War, Occupation Brought To Iraqi Women

What Sanctions, War, Occupation Brought To Iraqi Women: Collapse Of Rights: "Now, according to Reuters, Iraq is more dangerous for women than it was under Saddam Hussein’s regime. “Although few miss Saddam’s iron-fisted rule or the wars and sanctions he brought upon Iraq, women have been disproportionately affected by the violence that has blighted the lives of almost all Iraqis.”
Yet the country was “once at the vanguard of women’s rights in the region,” as Reutersreports.
As independent journalist Rania Khalek explained earlier this year:
Contrary to popular imagination, Iraqi women enjoyed far more freedomunder Saddam Hussein’s secular Ba’athist government than women in other Middle Eastern countries. In fact, equal rights for women were enshrined in Iraq’s Constitution in 1970, including the right to vote, run for political office, access education and own property. Today, these rights are all but absent under the U.S.-backed government of Nouri al-Maliki."

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