
Aid Airlifted From Iraq To Syria

UN to airlift aid from Iraq to Syria - Iraq | ReliefWeb
"The supplies were desperately needed in the hard-to-reach areas as the war-fatigued population braced for what is expected to be one of the harshest winters in a century, he said.
The airlift, which was set to begin on Thursday and last through Sunday, "will be the first from Iraq to Syria," UNHCR spokesman Adrian Edwards told AFP.
The Syrian government had authorised the cross-border passage two weeks ago and the refugee agency had initially planned to transport aid into north and northeastern Syria by truck.
"But there was a shift in the elements that controlled that road and the border and we shifted to an airlift," Awad said.
Seven flights are planned so far, and more may follow, he said, stressing though that airlifting in the aid would not be sustainable in the long run."


  1. Talk about making your own emergencies (and then asking for funding for them) . . . .

    Am I wrong in thinking that if the CIA/NSA troops hadn't invaded Syria originally that this wouldn't be an extreme situation?

    Seems that I had read that Syria was a pretty stable country before the invasion by the West (good guys) to cure them of their Muslimness.


  2. Nailed it there, Cirze. Dictatorship or not, Syria was a beautiful, prosperous country before FreedomInc. (Zion Division) took an unhealthy interest. Now it's 'let's send the people we displaced a food-parcel'.
