
An Unsung Hero Of Iraqi Journalism

The Dashing Yasser - Al Jazeera Blogs:
"Yasser was…dashing…is the word that comes to mind, in the way of film stars when film stars had both charm and an easy elegance. He was gallant. “Ladies first” he would say - opening a vehicle door even in a warzone or passing around chocolate he had brought for his colleagues. His phone was a constant stream of messages from old and new friends from all over the world. Conversation was sprinkled with phrases he was testing out in French and English to see if he was getting them right.
Yasser didn’t have the support or security of a full-time job – as a freelancer he was always juggling assignments – many of them in places considered too dangerous for foreigners. When he hurt his shoulder on the job last year he didn’t get paid and he didn’t work. When he recovered he threw himself back into it. As well as his passion for the story, he had three young children to feed. "

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