
New Role of Militias In Iraq

In the Sunni Amiriya neighborhood, the scene is no different. The "sheikh" there is not only the religious guide and preacher but also the governor of the neighborhood. He does not hesitate to enforce the law by militant means if need be.
“The residents know that the sheikh is involved one way or another in the killing and support of armed groups. Although he has not been seen carrying a gun, he maintains a terrifying power over the people, justified by the rumors spread about a group of youth being threatened, attacked and killed due to their lack of religious commitment,” Ali, an Amiriya resident, told Al-Monitor.
When not carrying weapons, militiamen play roles in governing the lives of residents of the neighborhoods where they work. Sometimes, however, they seem particularly concerned with scrutinizing the movements of women. They do not hesitate to talk to the father or husband of a woman if her attire or hijab are dissatisfactory to them. Usually, female employees and students wear the niqab (full-face veil) when going into or coming out of a neighborhood that is under the control of militiamen.
Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2013/12/iraq-militias-role-killing-governance.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter##ixzz2nrGOjwoa

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