
U.S. Drone-Aid Won’t Repair Iraq’s Woes by James Gundun -- Antiwar.com

U.S. Drone-Aid Won’t Repair Iraq’s Woes by James Gundun -- Antiwar.com: "
“The sit-in tents in Anbar are part of a scheme to target the political process and they want a coup against the establishment,” al-Maliki recently announced during a news conference in Karbala, speaking through half-truths. “It has been revealed that terrorists are there. It has become imperative for us to settle the matter in the next few days and we won’t allow Anbar and its people to be at the mercy of murderers.”
A security sweep titled “Revenge of Commander Mohammed” is already underway in Anbar province after a roadside bomb killed Mohammed al-Khuri, an Iraqi officer that led a bloody security sweep in April. Protest organizers fear a spillover and vow to remain at their positions, pledging to defend themselves in the face of any aggression from al-Maliki’s side."

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