
US War of Terror – How will it End?

US War of Terror – How will it End? | Veterans Today
"World leaders are now lining up to condemn the government of Syria, laying at its door the blame for the civil war and insurgency there.
All these comments have one simple subtext: if the government is changed, there will be no problem.
The question is, what sort of problem do these leaders want to solve? Will they eliminate war and atrocity – the leading exports of any major power – or will they lead people to assume that they do not need to look at what is going on in Syria anymore because everything bad must have been swept away with the previous government?
The comments made about Syria are merely recycled from previous attacks on Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan and many other places. The reason leaders from all over the world are making them is because this is a tried and tested tactic used by all governments who don’t want people to look too far into things. How tried and tested? Let’s take a couple of seemingly unconnected examples."

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