
AlQaeda-linked fighters control parts of two Iraqi Cities

Qaeda-linked fighters control parts of two Iraq cities - Iraq | ReliefWeb:
"A witness said that militants had set up checkpoints, each manned by six to seven people, in central and south Fallujah.
"In Ramadi, it is similar -- some areas are controlled by ISIL and other areas are controlled by" tribesmen, the ministry official said, referring to the provincial capital farther to the west.
An AFP journalist in Ramadi saw dozens of trucks carrying heavily armed men in the east of the city, playing songs praising ISIL.
Lyrics included "The Islamic State remains" and "Our State is victorious".
The militants also carried black flags of a type frequently flown by ISIL.
The unrest has led to hardship in Ramadi.
"We are not leaving our homes because of what is happening," said one resident, Abdel Nasser.
"There is no food. Even if you manage to go to the market, you find nothing," he said."

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