
By jingo, Gove’s right – those leftie academics have hijacked the Great War

By jingo, Gove’s right – those leftie academics have hijacked the Great War. Remembrance Sunday has nothing on ‘Blackadder’ - Comment - Voices - The Independent
"Who let him on Radio 4, the dirty unpatriotic left-wing academic? It was all right for Harry, swanning about the Somme with his Marxist intellectual friends, lazing in the trenches discussing “peace studies”, but to really know what went on you have to rely on those with first-hand experience, people like Michael Gove. Because as he made clear, he’s read a book on the subject and an article in a magazine.

It’s the same with these other poncey academic types who criticised the war, like Wilfred Owen and those poets. Just because they spent a few years being gassed and shot at, they thought that gave them a right to criticise it. Well, if they’d joined the real world, like Michael Gove, they might not be so full of airy-fairy pacifist nonsense."

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