
Hague forced to deny UK ‘war crimes’ in Iraq

Hague forced to deny UK ‘war crimes’ in Iraq - The Scotsman:
"Testimonies of hundreds of Iraqis who claim they were tortured by British troops have been submitted to the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
One man who was beaten in front of his family said: “They made me sit in a kneeling position with my head pushed downwards and then they started to beat me. They beat me on my face, back and stomach.”
Another, who suffered more than 60 punches to his head, stated: “There were many soldiers pushing and throwing me … As each soldier caught me they would punch me.” He described how his son was abused: “A soldier brought my eight-year-old son into the room. The officer started slapping my son round his face and shouting at him … I was on the floor in a terrible condition and couldn’t move.”
A man who was hooded stated: “Sand kept coming into the hood. It was extremely uncomfortable and difficult to breathe … We were left to kneel in the sun for hours. If I moved position and bent my head forward at all, a soldier would come and kick me hard.”"

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