
French Socialists Routed

Comment - Hollande has no economic policy which is one principal reason for the  massacre of Socialist candidates in 'Les Municipales'. Another is. as with Britain, France has no foreign policy either, other than what is dictated by Washington.
''Mr Hollande will also make an address, "probably televised", later on Monday, Agriculture Minister Stephane Le Foll told French radio.
The Socialists were said to have lost 155 towns of more than 9,000 inhabitants, Mr Valls said late on Sunday.
Turnout in Sunday's second-round vote was low, which was bad news for Mr Hollande's Socialists as it was their supporters who were not voting, BBC Paris correspondent Hugh Schofield reports.
Marine Le Pen's National Front won control of 11 towns of more than 9,000 inhabitants, including the southern towns of Beziers and Frejus and Villers-Cotterets, north-east of Paris.'' Link

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