
Obama Defends Iraq Debacle

Obama vigourously criticised the Iraq invasion and the occupation. This latest speech proves my contention that he doesn't believe in anything very much.


  1. Jeezus, this guy is just pathologically unable to stand up for anything!

  2. He was/is the Neocon Manchurain candidate.
    It sickens me to no end when I think of what they have/will do in our name.

  3. He's still trying to appease the Republicans. He still hasn't figured out that they will never ever like him or accept his legitimacy or cooperate with him. And he can't just say "fuck those guys."

  4. This might explain some of it.http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/30/us/politics/30obama.html?_r=2&pagewanted=all&

    Zbig and Kalilzad spotted him at Columbia. The rest is history. :-)
    Ya, he want to be a member of the club. But they heve not told him that he will have to enter thro6gh the back door.
    If they give us Shillary in 2016 she will take it to a higher level.
    The mastets of war and misery never sleep. Starve the machine till it collapses. Its the only answer.

    1. I agree. I also think Clinton's election in 2016 is inevitable.
