
Little Big Horn Day 25th June.


  1. One of the military leaders in charge of exterminating them, probably Sherman, wrote in a letter that they were using disease infested blankets as there " weren't enough dogs ..." they hunted them with dogs ...
    Clarification: Ojibwe is a band of the Anishinabeg tribe. Northern Minnesota is their land. Again, thank you.

    1. Thanks, Teresa. After your earlier reply, I checked for the Ojibwe on the earlier map, in the Minnesota area, and found them. If you enlarge the map enough you will see the name there under the Anishinabeg.

    2. Yes! :)
      BTW: Sometime back I wrote a poem for Twitter based on a comment you made about your grandfather(?) who repaired clocks ... you also included in a post a photo of swans on Hogganfield Loch. I posted the poem today: http://teresaevangelinespoetry.blogspot.com/2014/06/the-widows-broken-clock.html. Hope you don't mind my poetic license and the link works ...

    3. It was my dad who repaired the clocks, Teresa. Can't get the link to work though.
